Quiz: The Truth About the Common Cold

Quiz: The Truth About the Common Cold

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>imagen proporcionada por:

American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology: «síntomas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y manejo de la anafilaxia;» estadísticas del asma»;» prevención de alergias y asma en niños: consejos para recordar»;» alergia alimentaria: consejos para recordar»;» el calentamiento global extiende la temporada de ambrosía»; y» descripción general de la alergia a las mascotas.,»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan» > American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology: «Billions of Ragweed Pollen Grains Cause Most Seasonal Allergies» and «Spring Allergerers: Be Wary of Treatment Myths.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan » >Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. «Alergias A Mascotas.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan «>Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: «síndrome de alergia Oral.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan » >informes actuales de Gastroenterología.,

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»> Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>KidsHealth, the Nemours Foundation. «All About Allergies.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse: «Lactose Intolerance.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>James Sublett, MD, board-certified allergist, Family Allergy and Asthma, Louisville, Kentucky.

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>University of Maryland Medical Center. «Allergy Reactions-Overview.,»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»> Clinical Therapeutics: «Echinacea in the prevention of induced rhinovirus colds: a meta-analysis.»


xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»> Sleep: «Behaviorally Assessed Sleep and Susceptibility to the Common Cold.»

xmlns:xalan=»https://xml.apache.org/xalan»>Johns Hopkins Guides.

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